"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." - Thomas Paine ( Common Sense )

"In the end, their awakening will come." - George Orwell ( 1984 )
"Is it not time to acknowledge the fact that governments, and the centralized nation-state system, are the ultimate sources of systemic violence in the world?" - Safoora Arbab

Occupy Wall Street:  Sept 17 - Nov 15, 2011  Zuccotti Park  New York City USA
We gathered to awaken the people, to protest the blatant injustices perpetuated by the 1% - the economic and political elites - whose actions affect all of us, the 99%.  Despite the rain and the cold, we remained in the park long enough to draw the attention of the world to our message.  Our protest soon became transnational and spread to over 345 cities in 70 countries.
"We are more than the nations that divide us - We are those who know it’s time now to be free"
The Awakening - Zuccotti Park - 2011 (Time Now To Be Free)

We are calling you from out in the rain
When we sing now, our voices are the same
Though our story is an old one,
A many times told one
We just have to tell it one more time again
There are things we will bring to an end

Now you've just begun to know what it means
To just begin to know who we are
Though for years they've tried to tell you,
With their media and network news
Hope for change will always be a bridge too far.
Now you've just begun to know who we are

We, We are more than the nations that divide us
We are those who know it's time now to be free
From those who try to blind our eyes and take life from us
We will light the fires of change for we can see
That the day will come and it won't be long
When "It's Time Now To Be Free" will be your song

Though the wealthy wage their wars
Just to possess even more
It's still the lives of the poor
That they spend

There are things we will bring
Things we will bring
Things we will bring
To an end

We, We are more than the nations that divide us
We are those who know it's time now to be free
From those who try to build their walls of hate between us
We'll unite and tear them down for we can see
That the day will come and it won't be long
When together we will stand to right the wrongs

Though their jails and guns are plenty
And our wounded hearts are many
They'll never silence the message
That we send

There are things we will bring
Things we will bring
Things we will bring
To an end

Though our cities are like prisons
Where adversity has risen
In our sky a golden sun
Will shine again

Time for the hope we will bring
Time for the change we will bring
Time for our world
Time for our world to begin

We are calling you from out in the rain...
We are more
We are more
Than the nations that divide us
We are more

Though they try to blind our eyes
We will light the fires of change for we can see
Time now to be free

Send us your rendition of this copyright free song and we will post it on this page
Both insturmental and vocal versions welcome.
04/22/2019 - Robert from Tucson, Arizona.
Great song. timely. Thought I'd try something different on the piano.
Time Now To Be Free (piano)
Francis Xavier Hunt - 1955 - 2014
His great passion in life was songwriting and social justice.
He performed his original music to the delight of friends and nightclub audiences.
He is dearly missed by everyone who knew him.
© 2019   No WWIII Publishing
No WWIII Publishing allows for the free use of the copyrighted music
The Awakening - Zuccotti Park - 2011 (Time Now To Be Free)
with final users given the ‘right to copy’ for any purpose.